IN 13
BIO WILD APPLE HONEY GR. 300 Honeydew honey, or forest honey, is the only honey that is not collected from the flowers. It is the secretion of insects (aphids, whiteflies, mefcalfe) that sting the leaves of trees (citrus, chestnut, fig, mulberry, fir and pine) to collect the sap. These secretions are collected by the bees and transformed into honey in the period of August, when there are no flowers to collect pollen from. It has a very dark color, almost black, and a dense consistency that does not crystallize, keeping the honey liquid in all its phases. The taste is not very sweet, with a particular aftertaste, which combines sweet and bitter notes. Being obtained directly from a raw material collected by bees on the leaves of trees, the biological nature of the crops in which the collection takes place is very important, to preserve the honey from any form of pollution.